Start dance lessons today

At Arthur Murray Dance Centers, each of our programs are all inclusive, which allows you access to individual lessons, group classes, practice sessions and practice parties. This variety gives you a chance to dance with various levels of instruction and in different settings which brings a unique and important opportunity to build the foundation you need to grow your skills on the dance floor!

Individual Dance Lessons

With the one on one attention you deserve, you and your instructor will set the pace of your lessons.  Learn the basics of your favorite dances based on your goals and your instructor's recommendations.  Individual lessons are the heart of fine tuning your steps and patterns and becoming comfortable on the dance floor!

Group Classes

Attending group class gives you a chance to try new and different dances as well as helps you build muscle memory for the steps and dances you already know.  Group classes are designed to give you simple instruction by a certified instructor in a small group setting while providing variety and fun!  Our group class schedule changes every month to give you exposure, tips and hints to most of the dances we teach. Contact us today for our current group class schedule!

Practice Sessions

Our practice sessions most often take place right after a group class. This is a great time to try the new steps you just learned!  With a small amount of instruction, a variety of music and dances you will be able to practice your skills as well as have an opportunity to change dance partners and dance with the instructors.

Practice Parties

This is your chance to dance!  Practice those skills you have been learning in a comfortable and familiar party setting. Dance with other students and instructors while getting the feel for a crowded dance floor.  With less instruction than our practice sessions, attending our weekly practice parties is a great way to gain experience and get comfortable with what you might find on a night out on the town.